The Academic Network was launched by Cadence in 2007. The aim was to promote the proliferation of leading-edge technologies and methodologies at universities renowned for their engineering and design excellence. A knowledge network among selected universities, research institutes, industry advisors and Cadence was established to facilitate the sharing of technology expertise in the areas of verification, design and implementation of microelectronic systems.
The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Center for Scientific Research) is a public organization under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
CEA is a French government-funded technological research organisation.
A prominent player in the European Research Area, it is involved in setting up collaborative projects with many partners around the world.
The Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP) is one of Europe's leading technology universities, at the heart of innovation from more than a century.
Grenoble Institute of Technology is a public sector technology university with more than 5,300 students and 1,100 teaching and research fellows, admin and technical staff. More than 1,000 engineering degrees, 330 research masters and 170 doctorates are awarded each year, along with a hundred internal qualifications.
Featuring in all of the major international rankings (Top 150 World Universities - Shanghai Ranking), the UJF offers initial and further education for jobs of the future in a wide range of fields:
Physics and Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science, Biology, Medicine and Pharmacy, Engineering and Technology, Earth Science and Astronomy/Astrophysics, Environmental Studies, Geography and Territorial Sciences, as well as the Science of Physical and Sports Activities.
Leti is an institute of CEA, a French research-and-technology organization with activities in energy, IT, healthcare, defence and security. Leti is focused on creating value and innovation through technology transfer to its industrial partners. It specializes in nanotechnologies and their applications, from wireless devices and systems, to biology, healthcare and photonics. NEMS and MEMS are at the core of its activities. In addition to Leti’s 1,700 employees, there are more than 250 students involved in research activities, which makes Leti a mainspring of innovation expertise. Leti’s portfolio of 1,880 families of patents helps strengthen the competitiveness of its industrial partners
TIMA is a public joint research laboratory of the CNRS, Grenoble-INP and UJF (Shared Research Unit #5159). TIMA is a multinational team, with members and interns from all over the world. A large proportion of the research is performed in the context of cooperative projects with industrial and academic partners, supported by regional, national and European grants.
The research topics of TIMA cover the specification, design, verification, test, CAD tools and design methods for integrated systems, from analog and digital components on one end of the spectrum, to multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip together with their basic operating system on the other end
The Institut de Microélectronique Electromagnétisme et Photonique and LAboratoire d'Hyperfréquences et de Caractérisation, IMEP-LAHC, is a « unité mixte de recherche (CNRS/Grenoble INP/UJF/Université de Savoie) » of 180 people strongly committed in research activities related to micro- and nano-electronics, microphotonics, micro- and nano-systems, microwaves and microwave-photonics.
The doctoral school EEATS (ED EEATS for Ecole Doctorale Electronique, Electrotechnique, Automatique et Traitement du Signal) is a thematic doctoral school of the Grenoble area (including Chambéry et Valence). ED EEATS is one of the 12 doctoral schools of the College of doctoral schools of Grenoble University.
ED EEATS gathers all the PhD students (more than 500) in Electrical Engineering.
Engineers from Phelma design the electronic components of the future for our computers and mobile phones, and work to ensure that they are manufactured from materials that cause less pollution. They are inventing algorithms for signal processing that will make it possible to save battery power and will have ever increasing autonomy. They are developing innovative materials that are lighter and stronger for our future transport systems. They are writing programs to guarantee the security of IT systems. They are perfecting biological laboratories on chips, a genuine miniaturised analysis centre, etc.
The Doctoral School of Information and Communication Sciences (Ecole Doctorale STIC) offers a Ph.D. program in the areas of Computer Sciences, Digital communications, Networks, Signal processing, Automatic control, and Electronics.
ED STIC implements the decision of the The University of Nice-Sophia and its laboratory partners (INRIA, CNRS, ENSMP) to provide a high quality Masters and Ph.D. program.
In Grenoble, at the heart of the French Alps, the GIANT partnership is forging dynamic new links between research and industry to foster the technological breakthroughs of the future.
La communauté d'agglomération "Grenoble Alpes Métropole", communément appelée "la Métro", est située au centre d'une aire urbaine de plus d'un demi-million d'habitants.
The Rhône-Alpes region lies at the natural crossroads of major national and European axes of communication. This situation makes it a region where diversity is the key-word. This geographic, climatic, sociological and cultural puzzle could be a handicap. Rhône-Alpes has made this its great strength. Considered as a symbol of dynamism in the heart of the European Union, the Rhône-Alpes Region is co-founder of the "Four Motors for Europe" which, with Catalonia, Lombardy and Baden-Wurttemberg, works in the university, scientific, economic, sport and cultural fields.